Friday, September 5, 2014

CAED Day 4: The Art Of Fall Flowers

Fall Flowers Ready To Roll

Yesterday Hippie and I went to one of our favorite places, the plant nursery, and accomplished the impossible task of picking out just a few fall plants among all the lovely flowers they had.  That adventure took so long that I didn't get around to planting any of them until Today.  In fact, I still have more planting to do but already I am excited by how these beauties have re-energized our fading Summer landscape and reawakened me to all the creative possibilities of our yard and gardens.

Here's more photos of our Autumnal additions:

Fall Flower Picnic


Pansies and our rustic "shutters" (actually our old garden gate).

Asters and Pansies add more color to the back of my garden shed


Another view of the shed