A Message From My Muse |
If you have seen any of my Facebook or Twitter updates lately you may know that, after somewhat of a creative block where my easel was concerned, I am back to painting again. This makes me very happy but what I am discovering is that all painting and very little chore tending makes Victoria's house kind of messy. But you know what? I'm going to keep painting anyway.
My TiVo is almost full, I have had to return books that I didn't finish reading back to the library, my to do list keeps getting longer (the one in my head because I haven't taken the time to write it down), and there are a thousand other things that I have forgotten to or I want to or think I should or think that other people think I should be doing. I'm not even sure if the last part of my previous sentence made sense but I am not going to worry about it because you know what? I need to get back to painting.
This is what it means to be a slave to the muse. I don't recommend it for everyone. I do recommend, however, that whatever your passion is in life, you make as much time for it as you possibly can.