Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bathroom Metamorphosis

Before: bizarre blue tile, busted down vanity
After: mellow yellow vintage loveliness

My bathroom remodel has been done for almost two months now but it will probably be awhile before it is done done, if ever.   You see, I like that "collected over time" look and, contrary to what they tell you on the decorating shows, I find that requires actually collecting things, over time.  Still enough of it is done that I thought I'd go ahead and share it with you.

Paisley and Polka Dot Madness
 I think I am being brave including these "before" pictures.  My only defense for the paisley and polka dot madness that came over me in 2010 is that I was trying to combat that blue tile that just never seemed to go with anything. 

It was a shower curtain that finally inspired me to take a sledge hammer to that tile, though it ended up requiring more than that to rip it all out (and took two weeks longer than planned, don't ask.)

The shower curtain that restored my sanity.

As you can see, I love this shower curtain so much I based the whole room around it.  However, the floors are now a classic black & white and the wainscoting and walls can always be painted another color if my beautiful butterfly shower curtain and I ever decide to part (perish the thought). 

Anyway, with the exception of a closet door fiasco Hippie and I are currently struggling with, all the difficult stuff is done and I have been keeping my eye out for art and accessories.

The first thing I found was this salvaged door pediment, complete with hooks, that I am using as a towel rack.  I will probably restyle it at some point and I should really find a real picture to put in that frame on the end (I don't know who those people are.)  The brass swans were also a find at one of my local antique/vintage shops. 

Another great find was a matching pair of vintage seventies brass towel rings (from BlueFlirt on Etsy). I picked up the cast iron bird's nest holding my soap dispenser from a thrift shop for 1 whole dollar. And the tiered basket stand was another local antique store find.

Ironically, what is still left to find (or create) is some more art for the walls.  There are still some blank spaces and we can't have that.  Other than that, I am super happy with everything and don't miss the blue tile one bit.  Hurray!

See more decorative tile designs

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