Wednesday, November 23, 2011

30 Days of Holiday Cards - Day 27: Gratitude

It is almost Thanksgiving and I have so very much to be thankful for.  Among the many, many blessings in my life are the people I have gotten to know through my involvement in the Zazzle marketplace and community.  These are people who are striving for the same achievements I am but still recognize that we are all unique in our talents and contributions and that we can all benefit from supporting each others' efforts.  I also have come to know that, in addition to being amazingly talented and intelligent, they are all genuinely kind and beautiful souls.

As a small token of my appreciation for their encouragement and support, I thought I would share some of their Holiday cards below.  Thanks so much for reading and have a Happy Thanksgiving (or a wonderful Thursday).

The Holidays Come And Go So Quickly card
The Holidays Come And Go So Quickly by dradcliffe
Shop for a card with


  1. These are lovely designs, and this has been a very interesting blog! :)

  2. Thank you Victoria! And a Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  3. thank you so much!!!! what a lovely way to say thanks! you've touched my heart! <3

  4. Victoria, thank you so much for adding my holiday card to your blog!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!! :)))
